Tuesday, June 4, 2013

P90X Reviews - What is Included in P90X Training?

How exactly does P90X training work and what is included? P90X focuses on cardio and sculpting to help build up the abdominal and other core muscles and each workout is between 50-60 minutes long.

But what kind of moves does P90x training include? How do the DVD's actually work?

P90X is a simple to follow series of DVD's that alternates between cardio workouts and strength training 6-days a week. The moves included are broken down in easy to follow steps. Also included is a fitness book that walks you through each phase and step of the P90X along with a nutrition guide to make sure you receive the maximum results.

All of the strength moves performed in P90X are done in 8-15 reps when starting out and can be modified to your current fitness level. Now let's take a look at some of the training that P90X includes.

Stretching is very important part of the training and is included in the beginning and through out each workout session to make sure you don't hurt yourself in your workouts.

Cardio workout includes: Power Yoga, Plyometrics and Kenpo which includes Front Leg Kicks, Knee Thrusts, Side Kicks, Boxing, and Sit-Ups. All this is packed into a 50-60 minute workouts that will have you burning some serious calories in just 3 days a week.

Sculpting workout includes: Pull-ups, Push-Ups, Heavy Pants, Military Press, Bicep Curls, Back-Scratchers, Lunges, Back-Flys, Swimmer's Press, OpenCurls, Kick-Backs, Lawnmowers, Shoulder Flys, and Chair Dips. Great for toning and building muscle. These workouts are focused on your chest, shoulders, back and triceps the other 3 days of the week.

The DVDs encourage you to work at your own pace and not to over do it when starting out. Just follow along and do what you can until you build up your endurance. The theory behind how this works is called muscle confusion and it allows you to burn calories while building and toning muscle.

See more iwantagreatbody.com P90X Tips and find out what you need to know before you buy the P90X Workout at iwantagreatbody.com iwantagreatbody.com Today!

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