Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Psychic Ability! Do We Have It? Is it Dormant? Can We Really Unlock This?

This ebook is around 90 pages long, fairly well written, and intended to do two things.

1. Teach you how to increase your lottery odds by dowsing for winning numbers. For example, if you play a lottery that has 49 numbers to chose from you can successfully cut these numbers down to 24 or better and then dowse again for a refined crop of good, strong picks. Using no complicated math or statistics.

2. By using a dowsing pendulum and relying on your own intuition to pick the numbers, you are thereby flexing your psychic muscle. Like most things, the more you exercise and practice, the stronger you become.

From what I have found, you will pick winning numbers using this technique. The better you get at picking winning numbers, the more intuitive you become.

It starts out with a chapter on theory, which is primarily adopted from remote viewing theory. I have never heard of remote viewing before reading this book. Remote viewing got its start in the US Government back in the 1970's. The government developed a protocol and trained psychics. The program lasted over twenty years. There has to be something to it if a program is going to remain funded for twenty years.

Also, the guide shows you how to meditate which is pretty awesome.

My Experience:

OK, so I started meditating; I found some instructions off of the net and created my own dowsing pendulum. I found meditating to be incredibly difficult but have been getting better at it. The hard part is to stop thinking and just being in the moment. I can't lay down and shut everything off, so it took some getting used too.

This process is a little time consuming because you have to meditate a few times a week and use a dowsing pendulum to pick numbers. I consider myself open minded and I admit, I do believe in this kind of stuff. I don't know if it was beginners luck but I did manage to pick 3 out of 6 numbers on my first try which yielded me 10 bucks. All six numbers were in my pool of numbers that I had dowsed. I just picked the wrong six. I could have been a millionaire.

What I like about this program is that it's not a sophisticated numbers game made up of odds and wheels and stuff like that. It's almost hard to believe that it would even work. I would think it hocus pocus if I hadn't tried it out for myself. I have sense started a new remote viewing hobby as a result... I won 10 bucks and almost paid for the book off the first try.. Thumbs up.

Do a Google search for dowsing the lottery ebook.

Dodger Parks, enjoys reading about paranormal and psychic phenomena.

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