Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Look at Surfing and Yoga

Be aware that, when it comes to surfing fitness, there is far more than upper body strength involved. The other areas to work on are stamina, lower body strength, posture, and balance. Without all of this, good surfing will be far from your reach.

If you are a beginner at surfing or you are experienced at surfing and you want to improve your performance, these tips will help you prepare for it. Most important of all is the development of strong endurance so you can spend a long time surfing instead of wearing out quickly.

The classic endurance exercises of running, biking, swimming, and aerobics are all useful to build endurance. Mix up types of endurance exercises that you do to keep it interesting. You want to attain a goal of maintaining a steady pace for at least twenty minutes each exercise session. You will see results.

Upper body strength is important as well. Any of the many strength training exercises that focus on the shoulders, chest, back, and arms will lead you to stronger upper body poise. Pull-ups and push-ups are perfect examples of some of the exercises to strengthen this region of the body. Engage yourself in a solid strength training program and maintain good form.

Rowing is such good exercise, especially for the surfer. This is a practice that not only builds endurance, but also strengthens the legs, shoulders, and arms. Rowing builds stamina and strength at the same time and will get you ready for paddling on your board.

Strengthen the lower body by doing squats and weighted lunges while maintaining good form and balance. Try out a Balance Ball to improve balance to match your development of leg strength.

To develop exceptional balance and strength, practice yoga. Yoga integrates postural balance and flexibility and builds isometric strength in the muscles. This will prepare you for surfing in a way that most exercises cannot. It may not seem like a man?s exercise, but that is just silliness. Try yoga diligently for a couple of weeks and see the results for yourself.

Holding a strong stance on your surfboard is vital to have success if you want to experience the best results that you possibly can. When it all comes down to it, there's one thing that you should always remember about this all. Yoga leads your body to a place of balance and harmony that yields true power on the waves.

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