Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Inducing Sexy Lucid Dreams and Out of Body Experiences

The human mind is not completely understood. In fact, as far as we know, we have only chipped away at the surface of its power and complexity. We do know, from observation, that the mind has a massive breadth of 'being'.

Our mind can travel the road between pure joy and the depths of despair in a frighteningly short time. This journey can be triggered by physical trauma, major bodily change, worry and stress. The list goes on.

Happily most of us experience more happiness than despair, but we can all benefit by 'training' our minds towards positive thought as this helps avoid negativity.

We're all aware that our mind state can be altered by hypnosis. We also know that our mind visits an altered state when we sleep. It is here where we can truly make our minds a better place.

We all dream whilst asleep but most people, as they wake, have already forgotten where their mind went. At best they recall only fragments of their dreams. It is possible, without hypnosis, to train our minds not only to remember dreams but direct dreaming activity. This is known as lucid dreaming.

If you are having a lucid dream, your mind is more aware than in normal sleep. As you are aware, you can direct your dreams forward towards a positive happy place and wake feeling more positive and refreshed.

The technique to learn how to have lucid dreams regularly, involves no drugs at all, nor is it reliant on any external influence. It comes from within our own being and has been known about by countless previous generations. It is used in many different ways. A slightly different form of it is used in Yoga and certain religions use it too.

It is possible to take part of our conscious mind into our subconscious, where dreams occur. This is a state of non-physicality where everything remains clear. It is also the place where we can find 'out of body experiences' or OBE's, as they are known. In this place you can project your mind wherever you want it to go. It may sound odd when I say that we can use our dreams for entertainment, but it is quite true. As with the very best 'real world' entertainment we can come away from a lucid dream or OBE feeling happy and refreshed. Lucid dreaming gives us a safe happy place to go when we sleep, and you don't need a ticket to get in! It is an ability that is already within us. It just needs to be teased out.

My own site has free access to health-pages.info Lucid Dream Training. Get your free copy and enjoy it to the full. you can look forward to a good nights sleep.

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