Thursday, July 18, 2013

Finding Time To Stretch!

Do you blow dry your hair? Then you have time to stretch! My client recently told me of how she fitted in her stretching during her morning hair styling session with the blow dryer.

Bending forward from the waist, hold the dryer to the back of your hair. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Breathe throughout the drying time. A minimum of 20 seconds is required at each position. Bending forward is a stretch as long as your are bending using your lower back muscles by looking up until your back is horizontal and then tuck your head in. Start the stretch by inhaling and then exhale during the bend.

Bending backwards stretches your quad muscles and lower back muscles. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Inhale and then exhale as you push your hips forward and bend back from the waist. Flip your hair back to blow dry the top of your hair properly while styling. Breathe through the stretch for 20 seconds.

Bending sideways stretches and tones your love handles. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Inhale and then bend to one side as you exhale. Blow dry the sides of your hair and breathe throughout the session for 20 seconds. Bend to the other side in the same way.

My client is a serious long distance runner and swears by this stretch to keep her injury free during her long training schedule. If you are finding it difficult to get in a quick stretch session, then this is your answer.

As you make dinner or talk to someone on the phone, there are many other stretches you can do. For example, while making dinner you can stretch your calf muscles by flexing your foot and pointing your toe up the ceiling until you feel the stretch. Hold this for 20 seconds while breathing. You can also do the quad stretch by bending your leg back at the knee, holding your foot close to your hip, until you feel the stretch in your front quad. Or you can lean against the counter, while waiting for dinner to cook, place one foot forward and the other foot back to stretch out hamstrings and calves. Make sure you switch feet after 20 seconds. How about getting up every hour from your seat at the computer and then clasping your hands together behind you to stretch your back and shoulders?

For more information on stretching go to

For the past 20 years Hema has worked with many individuals, including executives at large corporations, to reduce stress, improve general health and workplace productivity. A variety of personal interests and professional paths have led Hema to her current role as a certified personal trainer, yoga instructor and nutrition and wellness specialist. Hema is listed in Who?s Who in the World and is an author, lecturer and Can-Fit-Pro certified personal trainer who specializes in body-mind-spirit consulting and training women.

Hema offers keynote speeches, group workshops, and sees clients one-on-one in the Ottawa/Toronto area. Sign up for her free newsletter at

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