Monday, July 15, 2013

It is Fall! Don't Fall Behind Your Routine

It's getting darker earlier and I don't know about everybody else but the cold weather plus an earlier evening makes me tired and lazy! Of course, no winter should stop us from obtaining our goals. It's just another small obstacle that we adapt to and deal with.

Here are 5 Tips to Avoid the Winter Fitness Blues

1. Work out in the morning. Just get it out of the way and continue on with your day. Five years later summer or winter and this is still my tactic for keeping up with my routines.

2. Enroll in new indoor classes close to home. This can include anything from yoga, community centre fitness classes, martial arts to dance. You may not be able to run outside for much longer but that only means a new opportunity to try something new.

3. Fall and winter is a great time to try out a new meal plan. With decreased physical activity it is a great opportunity to stay in and cook new, healthy meals to try out and enjoy. Countering less activity with better nutrition will give your body a break, while still seeing results.

4. This is the perfect time to set up a home gym and hire an in-home personal trainer to keep you on track and progressing your goals. Going to a gym when you would rather be in your PJs is the pits. Having your own equipment doesn't make you feel like you are venturing out later than you want to be.

5. Start a group either in person or online with friends or like-minded people to keep you motivated. You can share tips, ideas and have someone to talk to when you need an extra push to get your workouts completed.

Working out in a cold climate winter is harder but by no means impossible. There are some changes to routines when the cold starts to come around but being creative and determined to reach your goals is all it takes to get through it.

Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

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