Friday, July 5, 2013

Keep Fit - Simple and Cheap Exercise That Will Make You Super Fit

If you are looking to keep fit or you have already been training for a while and you need to add more variety into your training then, I have a great exercise routine for you. This is simple to do and you won't need any expensive fancy equipment or expensive gym fees to do it.

The exercise I am talking about is circuits or to be more official circuit training. This is one of the most effective exercise routines that will give you a total all over body workout. It builds strength, power and agility in to your body. It will also improve your cardiovascular health.

Circuits are easy to do and they can be done in the backyard of your home. The exercise consists of a number of stations or stopping points. Each of these stopping points represents a different exercise routine that needs to be completed. Each station is separated by a distance of 10 to 20 metres. If you have more space then you can increase the distance if you want. Each exercise must be completed within a set time once it is completed you sprint to the next station to begin the exercise. You are not supposed to stop until each station is completed.

You can do as many of the circuits as you possibly can. When you finish you will know that you have had a good workout. To be effective the exercises should be a mixture of cardio and strength training. These can include sit ups, crunches, arm curls using dumbbells etc. For doing exercises such as the sit-ups use a exercise or yoga mat. To get you started the following exercise is a great addition to your circuit training.

The push-up

This is a classic exercise that simply works. Push ups are an excellent way to build upper body strength. However, many people do them wrong. If you do not get the technique right it will not be as effective. To do push ups properly you begin by lying with your front body flat on an even surface. Support your body with your arms, your palms are flat on the floor and your toes. The key thing is to keep your back and legs perfectly straight, no bending towards the floor. Begin by lowering your chest towards the ground until your chin is about one inch from the surface. Then raise your body up to the starting position. Avoid locking your arms, and repeat.

If you have a health condition always consult with your doctor first before you engage in any new type of exercise.

James Mako has been writing articles for over 2 years on subjects he is passionate about. Why not check out his new website that provides information about luxury shower curtains and long vinyl shower curtains including other bathroom products and accessories.

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