Sunday, August 4, 2013

Cork Yoga Blocks

My fitness program consists of three things. Yoga, running, and a little strength training. I have come a long way in my Yoga practice, but at first, I just couldn't get the hang of it. Then a girlfriend turned me onto cork Yoga blocks, and I saw my progress take off!

There are a lot of postures in Yoga that require you to place a hand on the ground during the stretch. Well, if you are not flexible enough to get all the way to the ground, where do you place that hand? At first, I tried to put it on my shin, but as things got hot, my hands got slicker, and would slide off.

I then tried to just force myself to the ground. Bad idea! I pulled a muscle and couldn't really do anything fitness related for a couple of weeks.

Along came my friend with a pair of cork Yoga blocks, and I was off to the races. They are very light and compact, so they don't get in the way of your practice. Being made out of cork means they don't hold onto the moisture that floats around a Yoga studio. Nothing worse than smelly Yoga blocks!

Cork has the added benefit of being biodegradable, so my Yoga practice went green the moment I started using them. I think this is in the true spirit of Yoga. When they get old, you don't have to worry about disposing of them. Toss them in the trash, get a new block, and off you go!

I know you want to take your Yoga practice to that next level just like I did, so you can follow these links to get your cork Yoga blocks and get a little more info at my blog. You can check it out here Namaste!

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