Monday, August 5, 2013

Wii Fit - Making Exercising Fun

Are you like millions of us? We would rather not pay $300 plus a year in gym membership. We would be totally satisfied staying at home playing video games. What if I told you both of these were possible at the same time. Maintaining your body and playing video games.

Nintendo has done it again. They have created a revolutionary new game that is taking over. The Wii Fit is an excellent companion for your fitness goals.

When you start the program you are asked to put in information about yourself, such as, your date of birth and height. The reason this is so important is because it is used to calibrate your BMI, body mass index, this number is formulated from your height and weight. Depending on your own personal goals the game will help you bring that number down or maintain it, whichever you need. Also, along with measuring your BMI everyday you also get a Wii fit age. This is done using several test that test your balance. This can also be improved with training in the video game.

There are four components that make up the exercise portion: Aerobics, strength training, yoga, and balance games.

Aerobics: Aerobics gets your body moving and that heart rate up. It focuses on helping you lose weight. There are several activities to do within the aerobics option. As you play more you will unlock more and more games. They have come up with out of the ordinary exercising. There is hulla hooping. This is my favorite one, it really gets your cardio going. Stepping, boxing, and many more.

Strength training: Like the aerobics, the more you play the more you unlock. Strength training focuses on building your muscle mass. You use the Wii balance board along with these exercises. The difference between doing a normal strength exercising and doing the Wii fit version is the advantage you will get with the balance board. The balance board shows you where your balance is and where it should be during the multiple training.

Yoga: Yoga tones and works with your balance. In this section you will get your very own interactive personal trainer. This personal trainer will show you exactly how to do the different yoga poses. Again, like the strength training, you will use the balance board to stay within the area your balance and your body weight should be distributed.

Balance games: The balance games are an exciting function on the Wii Fit. This will help you work on your balance. There are several games that are made to make you aware of how you balance and move your body. Examples: With skiing you have to shift your weight to go through the course. The river course uses the control of your entire body motions. From how forward, backward, and sideways you lean.

If you are looking for another way to boost your health, or you just want to be more aware of your balance and overall health status. The Wii Fit is the only way to go.

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