Monday, August 5, 2013

Yoga Improves Fertility

Some may recommend yoga as an exercise that may be of assistance to couples trying to conceive. Yoga and fertility have been linked by some that believe the benefits of yoga extend to help couples increase their fertility. There are specific postures and practices that may be recommended. These are used to stimulate the reproductive system, balance hormone levels and promote the energy and blood flowing through the body.

Yoga has helped many people, trying to conceive or not, reduce stress and anxiety and relieve depression. Stress, anxiety and depression may play significant roles in infertility. Relieving these stressors may help some couples conceive. This combined with the benefits that yoga brings to regulating the body's hormone levels may be very helpful in helping women become pregnant. Interested parties should speak with a medical professional at a reputable clinic offering such therapy.

Certain studies have shown that women who practice yoga have significantly increased their chances of becoming pregnant. In one study from Harvard University, women participating in a yoga and relaxation program increased their chances of conception by almost three times.

Women who are struggling with infertility should speak with a medical professional to determine if there are any physical conditions that may prevent conception. Only a trained medical professional may be able to determine if there is a physical blockade to fertility. In these cases, yoga or other relaxation programs may be of no assistance.

Women or couples going through assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization may also benefit from yoga. Speaking with a knowledgeable party regarding the possible benefits that yoga offers to women or couples trying to conceive is important. Women may also track their menstrual cycle to determine when they are most fertile. This combined with yoga may increase a couple's chances of becoming pregnant.

Justin enjoys many health field topics and recommends patients who have problems with infertility to try yoga for fertility or get more information at which has various offices for mind and body treatment.

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