Sunday, August 4, 2013

I Used to Hate Yoga

When I was younger and on the other side of my twenties (29 now) I was a competitive soccer player and felt super-human. I could play two or three games in one day, or every day of the week for two hours and still go out and party. As my age kept increasing once tick up at a time, something strange began happening. Little soccer injuries kept accumulating and my interests began switching.

Slowly I was not able to play 6 or 7 times a week and reduced in to 2-4 and then 1-3 and then just one time per week. Instead of soccer I focused on my entrepreneurial career and began sitting for a up to 14 hours at a time. Needless to say, I developed back problems.

Looking for a holistic cure I stumbled upon yoga. I laughed at the prospect of doing silly stretches. After all, I used to be a macho soccer player. I used to compete and train hard. I used to love the adrenaline. I can't be caught seen in a yoga class.

It is funny how we plan things and life laughs at us. My back kept hurting and I realized that programs like yoga were my only hope if I wanted to avoid back surgery or steroid injections to make the pain go away. My fiancee got me a membership to her gym and took (maybe dragged) me to her Yoga class. I was the worst student practitioner there. All the older ladies could stretch far further than I could and I was stiff as a log.

Fortunately, my fiancee kept encouraging me and I consistently attended yoga and studied how the body moved and the various correct body mechanics. Over time I learned how to adjust the exercises to my own comfort levels and body structure.

I am currently attending yoga every day week and doing the stretching and strength-building exercises at home as well. I am still a little bit woozy about going to yoga, but now I understand my classmates and respect them for their effort and dedication.

Alex is working on a number of health education initiatives. He had created a resource dealing with Poop and Digestion and hopes that it helps others increase their knowledge of health and the digestive tract. Alex also created a site for urinary tract health and hopes it educates people about our bodies and wellness.

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