Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Power of the Lowly Pilates Yoga Mats

Anyone who hasn't done Pilates will probably have many misconceptions about it. One of these could have something to do with ease. A lot of people think Pilates is a very easy form of exercise and this is probably because it does look effortless when people perform it. Truth is, Pilates is a highly specialized and targeted physical activity which, when done incorrectly, can fail in delivering expected results. Although this exercise looks very simple, performing it correctly can be very demanding. It needs a lot of concentration for it to be done successfully. Hence, full focus is needed for a routine to be effective.

One of the things that makes Pilates appear very simple is the fact that most routines are normally done only on a Pilates Yoga mat. There is usually no special equipment that will be needed as the rest will be up to the person performing the exercise. Basic Pilates will normally involve exercises that make use of the middle body muscles. Hence, the first sign of a successful Pilates regimen is a person's flattened stomach. Then, the rest of the body firms up in response to the very calculated and highly focused routines that make up a standard Pilates training program.

When a person only uses a Pilates mat, he is expected to achieve even faster and better results. This is because with only a mat as a piece of equipment, the individual has no choice but to summon all of his energies in order to perform each exercise properly. With the use of machines, the individual will not have the opportunity to exert full strength. Hence, the toning effect on the muscle is less as well. When the person only has his own body as a source of energy, then he will have no other way to go but to perform each exercise with maximum force.

Having merely a mat as Pilates equipment is especially good for the stomach and back muscles which are usually very hard to tone. When the person has the opportunity to concentrate his whole body's strength on working out these muscle groups, then the effects could be more pronounced. Most of the time, it is easy to assume that Pilates can be done without proper instruction as the moves do look easy. But looking at a person execute a certain routine and actually doing it are two entirely different things. With the right instructor, it is almost guaranteed that what one hopes to achieve with Pilates will actually be on hand as long as the instruction is done correctly and the person is patient enough to be consistent with the program.

Being successful with Pilates involves many factors such as patience and determination to achieve one's goal. Still, the quality of experience offered by a lowly mat can bring significant difference as a person does the moves. For a good choice of Pilates mats, you can consider Extra Thick Yoga Pilates Mats, Danskin Yoga Pilates Mats or any other available variety that suits your requirements.

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