Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Four Tips For Yoga Teacher Training

First, be transparent about the course material and proceedings of the yoga teacher training program. This will help the trainees in having a very clear knowledge of what to expect from the course session. More importantly, as stressed by any yoga teacher training programs, you have to clearly explain to them the benefits of specific postures and breathing exercises so that they get motivated to practice more often.

Effective communication is one skill that is taught because it is one of the most important skills one must have to succeed as an instructor. Everyone who is actively involved in yoga training should have an excellent knowledge of the poses and should be aware that it is a discipline which needs clear and concise descriptions. There should not have any scope for confusion. Also eye contact must be maintained with the students throughout the yoga training class for effective results.

Two, it is mandatory for every facilitator to be thorough with the material which is being used in the yoga training class. To teach the aspiring trainers the details like what to teach in each class as well as accuracy of those teachings is a starting point. More importantly, one has to inculcate interest in the students. That is brought about by the trainers own deep interest and their own pursuit of the best instruction and exposure themselves.

Three, another aspect of a program is to guide the students, without assumptions, step by step according to the way they understand not to the way you want to present the material. Since yoga can sometimes be subjective to a relatively new practitioner, the trainer needs to focus on each student so that they feel encouraged without necessarily overdoing it. Show them postures as you have learnt them in your very own yoga teacher training and demonstrate it to them clearly. Watch the student properly to make sure they understand and you should modify your communication style to suit each student. Take their learning capabilities into consideration and don't move into the next posture without them mastering the last one.

Four, make sure that every student learns tools for advancing their own inner awareness. Those tools need to be demonstrated by you in that they have helped you to achieve inner awareness yourself. The student can advance their own personal knowledge over time but will only be able to do so if they feel confident in going back to and relying fully on the tools provided.

Sherry Holistan is a Hatha, Vinyasa and Bakti Yoga Practitioner. For more great yogatraininganswers.com/yoga-teacher-training-support-material Yoga Training support material please visit yogatraininganswers.com yogatraininganswers.com/

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