Saturday, November 2, 2013

What's New in Fitness?

Exercise is simple, but choosing a specific exercise program to target your needs? Well, that requires some thought. How then, do you choose the right kind of fitness program? There is a wide array of fitness programs choices available for people to select from, and the best part of exercise programs is that you can always customize them to suit you - just the way you like it!

In this section of the Fitness Equipment Guru, we're going to show you that's just who we are - a Guru! Here, we'll guide you in determining what your exercise program should be.

First of all, you should note that in choosing a program, make sure it includes activities you enjoy. And if you ever get bored, mix up your routine a little! Vary your regime so that you not only keep your interest levels high, you also target different muscle groups for maximum benefits and results. Check out our Fitness Tips section for some great suggestions!

Remember - you should always consult a doctor before starting an exercise regime!

Benefits of Exercise Programs

Exercise Programs can be based on anything, from speed, strength, endurance to flexibility, and active and consistent participation will always bring rewards.

Before signing up for that next fitness class some preliminary thought could help making your choice of a suitable fitness program easier and allow you to select a program with sustainability. We have a number of articles that help guide you in selecting the most suitable fitness program, be sure to visit the articles section!

Over 50? We've got the perfect article for you:

How to Choose the Right Fitness Program if you are over 50. This great article takes you through 5 important aspects to take account of when choosing your exercise program, specifically: State of Health, Lifestyle, Body Type, and your Objectives.

(more articles related to over 40s/50s from article section)

Liked the articles here? Read more here!

Suffering from ailments?

We've compiled a list of the most common ailments people over 40 suffer from. Read on and find out what types of exercises and fitness equipment would work best to alleviate your symptoms

Lower back pain

Do: Floor Back Extension (Watch a video demo!)

Lie face down with your arms by your sides, palms facing up and legs extended and relaxed. Hold your head up slightly or rest your forehead on the floor. Relax your shoulders into the floor, but keep your abdominals tight.

Contract the gluteals and use your lower back muscles to slowly lift your shoulders and chest off the floor.

Lower and repeat.

For safety reasons, do this exercise on an exercise mat.


Do: Exercise to strengthen and daily stretching is very important. Try abdominal crunch (watch a video demo! Or Check out our abdominal gear!)

Abdominal Crunch:

Lie down on the floor on your back and bend your knees, placing your hands behind your head or across your chest. Pull your belly button towards your spine, and flatten your lower back against the floor. Slowly contract your abdominals, bringing your shoulder blades about one or two inches off the floor.

Exhale as you come up and keep your neck straight, chin up. Hold at the top of the movement for a few seconds, breathing continuously.

Slowly lower back down, but don't relax all the way.

Repeat for 15 to 20 repetitions with perfect form for each rep.


Do: In general, all kinds of exercise will be useful in controlling the weight. Try bench-presses, triceps pushdown. We have a wide range of bench-press equipment for you to choose from.

Bench Presses (watch a video demo!):

Position yourself on a regular free weight flat bench press machine. Lie flat on your back and grab the barbell above you with a grip as wide as possible.

Lift the barbell off of the rack and slowly lower it to about 3 inches above your chest and then press the bar back to the start position. Do not touch the bar with your chest.

Ensure that when you are lowering the bar that you do so in a slow and controlled fashion.

When you press the bar upward, you want to do so in an explosive fashion. this and almost every other free weight exercise! Repeat this movement for as many repetitions as you can until failure. Remember to always use a spotter when performing

Knee problems (arthritis joints)

Do: Strengthening and stretching the muscles that support your knee are very important. Try quad muscle stretch, hip adductors, and hamstring strengthening curls with our stretching equipment.

Quad Muscle Stretch (View a video demo!): Stand straight, and hold something for balance. Raise the leg you wish to stretch behind you and grab hold of your foot. The upper part of the leg should remain in a vertical position as you pull your foot upwards. To stretch other areas of the quadriceps, pull your foot back slightly.

Blood pressure

Do: Strength training can definitely help to decrease blood pressure, but the most effective form of exercise for this ailment are aerobic workouts. Try jogging, bicycling and swimming for at least 30 minutes 5 times a week. (Check out our treadmills and exercise bikes!)

High cholesterol/heart problems

Do: At least as far as cholesterol is concerned, it may be the amount of exercise that's really important. Try high amounts of intense activity--the equivalent of jogging about 18 miles each week. Why not get a home gym? You can make running, jogging or cycling a daily activity even when the weather is bad!

Medical conditions

People with chronic medical conditions are often recommended to exercise, but the types of exercises and the intensity of it should be discussed in detail with your healthcare professional before commencement. This is important in the prevention of any possible injuries and aggravations of any conditions you may have.


How exercise can help: A regular exercise program is highly recommended for women, especially those in their late 40s and early 50s. Speak to your healthcare professional or a personal trainer to design an exercise program that best fits your lifestyle. Regular exercise helps slow the process of Osteoporosis.

What kind of exercises can you do?: Weight training (avoid heavy weights, and do more repetitions with lighter weights), walking, jogging, and aerobic classes.


How can exercise help: Exercise helps to prevent and manage obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. Speak to your healthcare professional or a personal trainer to design a suitable program to suit your lifestyle needs.

What kind of exercises can you do?: The American Diabetes Association recommends a combination of aerobic activity, strength training, and stretching exercising three to five times per week for 20 to 40 minutes each time.

Disclaimer: If you have existing medical conditions, always speak to a healthcare professional or a professional fitness instructor for advice in designing your exercise program.


Check out these fun resource websites!

- Visit Gyminee! Join this fitness social network for detailed tracking, online accountability, and motivation. Whether you are trying to lose weight or get fit, this website helps to track your workouts and monitor your diet. Plus, in achieving your goals, you can meet new friends too! What's cool about this website is the amount of helpful information it has! One must-see section is the 'Exercise Library'. Do you have a dumbbell but don't know what kind of variations you can do with it? Type in 'dumbbells' and you'll see a whole list of videos showing how you can make use of that piece of equipment!

- See what works for real people in ZenHabits.

- Fitday: Get your free online diet journal and start tracking your foods, exercises, weight loss, and goals in this website! It's got a large fan base and currently has over 2 million members resgistered!

- Books and CDs

- The right exercise program should be matched with the right diet! Visit the nutrition page!


Sections to include


- Brisk Walking! Appropriate for all ages- burns almost as many calories as jogging. Gradually increase pace Try using hand weights, but avoid ankle weights as they can cause injuries.

- Jogging! Its easy and no training (slightly more strenuous and be careful of joint injuries)

- Classes! Dance and Aerobic classes, step classes, boxing/kick-boxing classes and martial arts. Slide classes. Toning sculpting classes.

- Swimming! ideal for people with physical limitations. (link to ask the pros/blog)

See our Aerobics selection for a wide range on equipment specialized for aerobic exercises.

What kinds of equipment to use if you have certain injuries?

What kind of equipment you should avoid if you have certain conditions.

Strength training

Sections to include


- Squats! A great exercise for strengthening hips, thighs, and buttocks.

- Wall Pushups! Less challenging than a classic push-up and won't require you to get down on the floor, but it will help to strengthen your arms, shoulders, and chest.

- Step Ups! A great strengthening exercise that requires only a set of stairs. Step-ups will improve your balance and build strength in your legs, hips, and buttocks.

See our Strength Equipment selection for a wide range on equipment specialized for strength training.

What kinds of equipment to use if you have certain injuries

What kind of equipment you should avoid if you have certain conditions.

Cardio equipment

Sections to include


- Cycling! A top favorite for cardio exercise. You can utilize an exercise bike in the comfort of your own home.

- Elliptical Trainer! One of the best cardio activities for blasting calories and getting in great. Check out ours!

- Step aerobics! Inject some fun and energy into your step! There are a wide range of stair climbers and steppers for you to choose from.

See our Cardio Equipment selection for a wide range on equipment specialized for cardio training.

What kinds of equipment to use if you have certain injuries

What kind of equipment you should avoid if you have certain conditions.


Sections to include


Get a professional yoga instructor, buy videos and read a book! Yoga can help alleviate numerous ailments, such as back pain through the pigdeon pose, the cat-cow stretch and the cobra stretch for basic flexibility.

See our Yoga selection for a wide range on assessories specialized for yoga.

What kinds of equipment to use if you have certain injuries

What kind of equipment you should avoid if you have certain conditions.

Richard Spillane. Most of my life I have personally been involved in Fitness in one format or another. As a business executive and manager of []

I encourage you to visit us and learn more about our services, fitness and nutrition information as well as the high quality products that are available for viewing and purchasing.

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