Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tidbits During Marathon Training

You have probably started training your way for a Marathon event or have already collected ideas and suggestions for the actual Marathon run. Here, you'll find things you need to maintain and keep in practice while marathon training.

How fast should I be running during my marathon training?

At this stage, you're body and muscles have already adapted the pace you've been undergoing either from your daily regular exercise or an earlier training for marathon. Either way, the target here is to let your body adjust to the actual marathon run event. It is recommended to run on top speed this early. Although you still decide how fast you should be running, be sure to increase the pace within this period of marathon training.

What about cramps during marathon training?

Yes. Don't be surprise if you find your limbs, muscles, thighs, arms, joints and feet cramped up after executing a long distance run. Although it is just part of the training, what usually happens to some is that they tend to look-over this minor detail. This should not be the case though. What is important here is for you to be sure that the pain doesn't stay on your body long enough for you to miss your weekly long distance runs. Recovery has to be quick. If that didn't happen, be sure to shorten your usual long distance run. Keep in mind also, not to set a goal you know you can't possibly achieve for it will just defeat the purpose of running the marathon.

For lasting pains or trouble in breathing, see your doctor immediately.

But do I need to complete long distance runs during marathon training?

The answer would be yes. Long distance runs are important during training since it is the phase for your body to adapt for the main event. Remember, marathon is a 26.3 miles run so it wouldn't help at all by shortening your run distance. If you have run at least 50 miles a week, this is already an indication that you can finish a marathon race. Don't forget to improve on your stride during these long runs, at a pace which you can adapt on very well.

What about the food I eat during marathon training?

Pretend you have achieved your weekly long distance runs; this means you're body has the right to be treated well. This time, you need to watch your weight and your strength. For this particular goal, you need to create variations on your food. Anything that's excessive in oil, cream and spices should be very well avoided. There are actually no set food restrictions here, but what's recommended is food low in fat but rich in fiber. This ensures weight control and sustained energy.

How about my exercise during marathon training?

At this point, don't drop your yoga and meditation (if you still haven't started practicing Yoga, start with this exercise for mental composure). Since you've readjusted the variation of the food you eat, you also need to do exercises that can maintain your weight. Always remember, this weight exercise is not for your reduce bodyweight to become slim, rather its a way for you to develop strength on the different parts of your body. Still, if you have excess fats on your thighs, abdomen and hips, this is also a turning point for you and you should start on those key points.

90 Day Marathon Training - Learn how to train for a marathon within 90 days. An All-In-One Approach To Safe, Smart With Everything You Need To Know From Good Nutrition To A Winning Mindset!

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