Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Runner's Cross-Training

Ask any marathon runner, and they will tell you that cross training is essential to accomplishing running goals. Changing up the work out routine is just as important as stretching. In every legitimate running schedule, there will be at least one day that recommends working out different muscles and muscle groups. If you find the right combination of running and cross training, you may see your running times drastically improve.

Ways to Cross-Train

There are many exercises that can be used to vary a work-out. A mixture of cardio work and strength training is ideal for a healthy routine. Biking, rowing, swimming, and the elliptical machine can all be used to keep the heart rate up while giving running muscles a rest. Strength training can not only help prevent injury, but can also make a runner faster and more efficient. Some runners incorporate yoga as a way to both strengthen and stretch muscles. Pilates, kick boxing, and zumba are all fun ways to work out that have all the benefits of a long bike ride.

Benefits of Cross-Training

There are both physical and mental benefits to incorporating different kinds of exercises into a routine. One of the greatest benefits is that cross-training can help prevent injury. Running does not always work stomach muscles or arm muscles, but strengthening these muscles can help prevent back injuries as well as increase running efficiency. Changing up the type of exercise you do can also help prevent burn-out. Even the most passionate runners may experience burn-out at some point in their lives. Getting back on the road or trail after being on the bike all day will feel great and can inspire you to keep going.

If you are looking for ways to vary your workout, visit the website of the the Chicago physical fitness center B4 Health and Fitness today.

James Witherspoon

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