Sunday, December 29, 2013

Goal Setting For Fat Burning and Muscle Building Part 4

Our fictional middle-aged guy has six months to get into shape for his high school reunion. He did the research and found that it's best to lose no more than two pounds a week. This will keep his muscles in and his fat flowing out.

He also found out that he has to first get strong before pumping iron; which called for progressive bodyweight exercises for the first six weeks. This will give him the strength he needs to handle weights properly and safely.

It's time to put our hero's program to work. He will be performing five muscle challenging exercises three times a week. He wants to work his full body but vary the workouts and the intensity.

The in-between week days will be cardio for no more than 20 minutes. Excessive cardio breaks down muscle growth. Two day's rest will allow for maximum recovery of his muscles for the next round of torture. He will give himself six weeks to get strong enough to pass his milestone strength test. After that he'll hit the gym and pump iron.

He's taken his body measurements and recorded them in his training journal. Here's the six week plan to get fit and get strong:

Day One:

Yoga warm up:

These yoga postures will stretch the entire body and warm the muscles in preparation for strength training.

Start with Downward Facing Dog posture (hold for 30 seconds) 4 reps

Upward Facing Dog posture (hold for 30 seconds) 4 reps

Proud Warrior posture (hold for 30 seconds)

Strength training:

Push ups 10 reps 2 sets (do knee push ups if you need to).

60 seconds rest

Assisted Pull ups 10 reps 2 sets

60 seconds rest

Squats (no weights) - 10 reps 4 sets

60 seconds rest


30 seconds - 4 sets

The cardio routine:

The jump rope routine - 10 minutes

Day Two:

The cardio routine - The jump rope routine 20 minutes. Alternate between jump rope and low-impact movement.

Day Three

He continues to follow the yoga stretch routine

Squats (no weights) - 10 reps 4 sets

60 seconds rest

Lunges (no weights) - 10 reps 4 sets

60 seconds rest

Crunches - 25 reps 2 sets

The cardio routine - The jump rope routine - 10 minutes

At this point, our guy follows this simple routine and masters these basic exercises for the next six weeks. His test of ability comes at the end of the six week period. He will have gradually increased his ability to perform pull ups, push ups, lunges and squats.

The yoga routine stretches his body and offers strength improvements without stressing his muscles. Cardio is provided by one of the most awesome and underutilized training methods known to man. The jump rope can get your heart pumping faster than a roller coaster ride.

You can give this workout a try. Do a little research and find the correct training information for each procedure. The six week challenge can build up your body and cut your fat percentage.

You can lose the fat and gain your strength and endurance if you follow these simple rules. Get my free manual on trimming the fat and feeling great and getting fit. Go to =>

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