Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Prenatal Yoga

Is yoga safe to do when you are pregnant? This is a question yoga teachers are often asked. The answer is that it is safe as long as both you and the yoga teacher work together to make sure you are always comfortable. Some yoga teachers have undergone extra training in Prenatal Yoga and they are always safe people to work with as they understand the particular changes your body is going through and how to adapt postures to make them achievable for you. It is always a good idea to ask your yoga teacher if they have this extra training when you tell them about your pregnancy - which you must do as soon as you know.

However, even if they haven't had this additional professional development training the two of you can still work together successfully throughout your pregnancy. The important thing to happen in this case is that you remain very aware of your body and what feels comfortable and easy as you do it. For example, in an advanced pregnancy it is uncomfortable to do forward bends and also to do postures where you have to lie on your stomach such as Bow. Check out with your yoga teacher as you go through the class and she will quickly be able to tell you if a posture will work or not. She (or he) will also be able to show you how to adapt it or suggest an alternative.

Yoga teachers who are familiar with Restorative Yoga will also be able to help your prenatal yoga practice to be safe and enjoyable. The focus with Restorative is on comfort and allowing the body to relax into a supported position which then enables the body to find its own alignment. There is never any strain in this style of Yoga and your body will always be supported by props which give you the most comfort and ease. During pregnancy is a good time to be resting and relaxing your body as it is so busy creating life inside and uses a lot of energy in doing so. For you this is a time to be soaking up rest and nourishing your body for the birth and the time afterwards when you will need to call on reserves of strength and energy.

Don't expect to keep up your old yoga practice - your needs have changed - but if you carry on doing Yoga with Prenatal-friendly postures, or doing Restorative Yoga, during your pregnancy you will be able to resume your old yoga practice soon after the birth and you body will be fit and ready for that. Enjoy.

Restorative Yoga Workshops and more information about how to use this form of self healing can be found on restorative-yoga.net Restorative Yoga and yin-yoga.net Yin Yoga. The Fifty, Fit and Fabulous programme provides a step by step approach to wellbeing through holistic care and is outlined on these sites.

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