Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Yoga Myths Dispelled

To better understand why you should have a yoga practice, we need to look at the myths surrounding what yoga is, and what may be preventing you from getting started.


You have to be young, thin, and extremely flexible to do yoga.


Those pictured in the magazines or on commercials are most likely either professional models, ex-gymnasts, or they are advanced yogis demonstrating poses that only 15 to 20 % of all yoga practitioners could possibly execute, at least in this lifetime.

In fact, those of us doing yoga are of all ages, sizes, shapes and fitness levels and twisting our bodies into pretzel-like shapes is never, ever required. You can, of course, depending on your body type and dedication, advance in yoga and work at a very high level.


Yoga is too far out, they'll make you chant or do something weird. And it is probably too hard for me.


In our modern, westernized world yoga is made to be mainstream. You won't be out of your element in a yoga class, as long as you find the right one for YOU.

Yes, some classes include chanting, but know every teacher is different, every style varies, the intensity of the physicality can be any where from highly athletic to very gentle or restorative, and for those who can not easily get up and down off the floor, yoga may be practiced while sitting in a chair.

You have to find the right class not only for your physical level and your temperament, but also if you resonate well with the teacher, it will be a positive experience, one that will keep bringing you back.


It's too hard to find a class that is the right fit for me.


Of course this depends on where you live, but most towns offer some choices. Finding the right class and teacher for you requires you do the research. Interview a potential teacher and ask them questions about their training and experience. Describe your needs and interests and ask if they think their class is right for you. Ask how large is the class and how much individual attention you will receive.

If you are a beginner, try to find a class that does start at the beginning, or take a few individual private classes if that is possible. It is very difficult to jump into a group class that may move quickly, a class where you are not being taught yoga, but rather required to just follow along.

If you can't find a class close to your home then another idea is to purchase a Yoga DVD, but make sure it is one that you can easily follow and that will keep you safe.


Yoga is a religion which may be in conflict with my own religious affiliation.


Yoga is not a religion; there is no church, no preaching (well maybe a little) or doctrines or creeds. That said, your practice may become a part of your own spiritual path, if you choose to walk it. Yoga opens the body, which might be thought of as the vessel through which the divine works in our lives. Many practitioners find they just naturally want to further explore spirituality, developing this side of their nature which may have been dormant.

For the most part Yoga is simply the way to have a good work out and at the same time learn the tools of healthful living, including the practice of deep and conscious breathing, and calming the mind through relaxation techniques. Whatever reason you find to go to a class, you will leave feeling very peaceful, yet fully energized and happy to have found what works for you.

Angelena Craig is a professional level Kripalu Yoga Instructor with fifteen years of teaching experience. She was the founder of Beacon Light Yoga Center of Boston and has trained thousands of beginning and more experienced yoga students.

As a teaching consultant for the Massachusetts Department of Housing of Finance she created her Chair Yoga program primarily for seniors. She then produced Chair Yoga DVD, "Angelena's Yoga Using a Chair" to make this easy to follow program more accessible to anyone of any size, shape or fitness level in a format that can be used in the comfort of the home or the office.

In 2008 Angelena opened her new business The New Aging Movement, how to stay young while growing older. She offers private and group Yoga classes and Wellness workshops in Sarasota Florida and in the Boston area. She also offers in the summer Yoga on the Beach on Plum Island, MA and each winter leads a yoga/adventure retreat to Jamaica, WI.

She may be reached at theNewAgingMovement.com theNewAgingMovement.com

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