Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Exercise With Little Equipment

Many people tell me the reason they don't exercise is that they don't have any equipment but I always say is regardless of if your doing yoga, pilates, resistance or cardiovascular training, while going to a gym can be great you can get a great workout from the comforts of your own home. The main difference in a successful workout from home is how you use the little equipment you do have and your imagination. From my own personal experience I went through a period of a few years with never working out in a gym and was able to maintain a high level of fitness. Although I am a personal trainer, the only equipment I owned at that time was a Bosu ball, a few dumbbells, a curl bar and a fitness ball, the rest of my workout came from my imagination and knowing how to use the little equipment I did have. In this article I plan to recommend what someone would use to exercise with little or no equipment.

1. Your Self- That's right, some of the best exercises you can do require no equipment just with the movement of your own body. Many Yoga and Pilates movements do not use anything other than getting you to manipulate yourself into different positions. One of my favourite exercise is the push up, which works your entire upper body including your core.

2. Exercise Ball - Exercise balls introduce the concept of instability. When your bodies unstable it requires you to do that much more work to stabilize. The same exercises that you would do without a ball are made more challenging once you incorporate an unstable surface, also is great for core training

3. Resistance Bands- Many people don't have the space or budget to buy a wide range of quality dumbbells so the best alternative are bands. Bands allow you to do many of the same exercise you are able to do, and are easier on your wallet

4. Skipping Rope - While Skipping is a great exercise I would suggest to proceed with caution. Especially before an exercise like skipping, I would recommend that someone goes through a physical check up. If they are healthy enough, skipping is great cardiovascular exercise and only requiring a small piece of equipment. If you prefer to do something else, walking, running, biking and swimming are other inexpensive forms of exercise

5. Bosu Ball - see exercise ball

I'm sure there are many other pieces of equipment I could suggest using but these are the ones I feel cover what it would take to get a great workout from home. If you can suggest any others I would love to hear from you.


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