Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Yogic Approach for Coping With, and Preventing, Panic Attacks

Practicing Yoga, in the form of Pranayama, meditation, Asana (Yoga postures), and Mantra, allows us the time to find the source of panic attacks from within, while taking preventative action. This does not mean you should avoid visiting your family physician, or a professional counselor, when you need help.

Standard western medicine has many solid solutions for panic attacks, anxiety, and stress. Many physicians and counselors will gladly refer you to the nearest competent Yoga teacher. The reason for this is that Yoga works in harmony with medicine and psychotherapy. Many people, who do not practice Yoga, believe the misconception that Yoga practitioners must practice an "all natural" lifestyle.

All natural, to some people, indicates refusing prescription drugs. While prescription drugs have received much deserved "bad press" for negative side effects, the fact is - prescription drugs have saved, and continue to save, millions of lives. Yoga is an evolving science of life, which peacefully co-exists with other sciences and philosophies.

Anxiety is a normal reaction to daily stress, which occurs in everyday life. Stress and anxiety can be healthy at low or tolerable levels. Each of us is different, so one person's "breaking point" will not be the same as someone else. This breaking point occurs when anxiety is out of control and turns into an irrational state of mind. When stress builds up to this point, we have some form of an anxiety disorder.

Panic attacks are classified as a form of anxiety disorder, under the listing "Panic Disorder." There are many other forms of anxiety disorder, such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, to name a few.

Panic attacks surface for no apparent reason and with no warning. They suddenly appear with hot flashes, chest pains, racing heart beat, shortness of breath, chills, and many more stress-related symptoms, which can commonly last five minutes to thirty minutes.

When you are experiencing a panic attack, Pranayama (Yogic breathing techniques), can give you instant relief. Proper Pranayama instruction should be sought from a competent Yoga teacher.

Meditation, Asana, and Mantra, should be practiced daily for prevention of panic attacks. This requires a person to take preventative action and to attend Yoga classes on a consistent basis.

Lastly, if you, or someone you know, have panic attacks, preventative action is the largest part of the solution. You should consult with your family physician, which will result in your road to recovery. Your family physician may have a list of preferred Yoga teachers in the area.

Ignoring panic attacks will not make the situation go away. If you decide to make prevention a lifestyle, regularly attending Yoga classes will be a cost-effective solution. Visit and talk with your local Yoga teacher and explain your needs.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

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