Saturday, April 12, 2014

Exercise Routines For Stressed Professionals

With the increased rate of heart attacks among stressed professionals, it has now been highlighted that a successful career is not just a matter of money but should be about health and fitness as well. Many professionals do not pay sufficient time or attention to weight management and fitness as they focus more on progressing within their career. However, poor health can quickly end a career and prevent a stressed professional from enjoying the fruits of their success.

Stressed professionals need simple yet effective exercise routines which will not hamper their daily schedule yet be a sufficient distraction to provide a mental break from the workplace. While all exercise is beneficial, cardiovascular exercise routines would be of the greatest value as it improves health while assisting with mental acuity and emotional well-being. A few minutes a day can make the difference between an early heart attack or a long and productive career and life. These values have been stressed by many large corporations throughout the world who have either installed exercise facilities within the company premises or encouraged physical activities among work colleagues. For a personal fitness plan, a professional needs to commit to just 20 minutes a day to benefit from a simple exercise routine.

Some effective options to improve fitness and assist with de-stressing is a daily yoga routine. Requiring just a few minutes a day, yoga can be practiced at home or within the office and the combination of deep breathing, muscle stretching and postures have been proven to be beneficial in positively contributing towards your health and fitness levels. Other simple exercise options do not require any specialized techniques or practices and can involve an array of general high school fitness techniques. A combination of push-ups, sit-ups, jogging-on-the-spot, and skipping can be a quick and easy routine for stressed professionals. Technology has now reached a point where fun and fitness can be brought into our living room and confined spaces. The Nintendo Wii with its Fitness package is a fun and controlled manner for daily exercise with carefully planned and co-ordinated activities to exercise your entire body and monitor your fitness levels.

The importance of any fitness plan, whether it is at the gym or a simple routine in your home or office is to ensure consistency. Research has shown that attempting to exercise less than three times a week can often be detrimental to your health by straining the heart muscle. Furthermore an exercise routine should last at least 20 minutes to be of cardiovascular benefit and be effective enough to contribute towards your weight loss goals. Another important factor in fitness is eating healthy and correctly for your body's needs as many stressed professionals opt for fast foods due to the lack of time in their work day.

Adopting a simple yet effective exercise routine will immediately bring benefits to both your social life and career with an improved sense of general well-being and mental clarity. Stressed professionals need to address their stress levels as stress triggers hormone responses in the body that can contribute to the onset of diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.

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