Friday, May 30, 2014

Male Masturbation Doesn't Have to Become Boring and Tedious

Masturbation is a very simple, natural, and easy way for men and women to release tension. This tension can be physical, emotional, and even spiritual. While in the masturbatory state, worries fade, problems disappear, and tension melts away.

With the world becoming seemingly more stressful every day, people are looking for new methods they can use to unwind from the daily grind. This means that more and more people will be utilizing masturbation as a catharsis and as a mini-holiday to escape from the troubling times that surround us.

This means that people are looking for ways to make masturbation more exciting and dynamic. This can be through using different physical stimulation devices (toys), different forms of material to arouse excitement and sexual interest (such as sex stories one can read or an adult video to watch), or seeking out new methods of getting the most out of masturbation.

History is filled with lots of creative methods that Man has developed when it comes to masturbation exploration. Imagine a woman rubbing honey on her vulva, areola, and nipples. Then, laying back, in the sun, and have the scent of the honey waft into the air. This scent attracts insects who arrive to feast on the honey on her body. This triggers very light touch neuro-sex-receptors in her sexual organs and induces pleasure. Does that sound a little too creative? Perhaps. But it was all the "rage" at one time. Men employed this technique, too.

I'm not suggesting for men to honey-up their testicles and penis and go lay naked in the sun. Who knows what you might attract, really? With my luck some huge grizzly bear who would eat me for lunch.

One way of not worrying about some ole' grizzly coming to visit you is to explore different methods of masturbation that aren't so courageous. There are plenty of web-sites and information on the Internet that offer a plethora of methods to make masturbation more exciting and cull it from becoming boring. One of these is through sexual "toys." Most men think that sexual toys are more for women, but one would be surprised at the amount of creative hardware that's in the adult emporiums that can help men while masturbating.

Those men who are really interested in taking masturbation to its ultimate pinnacle should look into autofellatio. This is when a man is able to orally stimulate his own penis. It sounds a bit difficult, but it isn't. Just by learning and utilizing proper training and stretching, most men can fellate themselves. Autofellatio, when properly performed, is anything but boring. In fact, it can be completely mind-blowing.

Kimi Kalfino

About me: Exploring unconventional methods of sexuality; methods that our ancestors enjoyed and impassioned themselves with, is one of my interests. Those men and women who are interested in autofellatio should read YOGAFELLATIO. It is a book that helps guide men down this sexually exciting and interesting path.

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