Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Fitness Menu

Cardiff based Personal Trainer and Boot Camp guru Sam O'Sullivan gives the low down on exactly what options you have available to you in your current gym to get in shape in a time that suits you. Even if at the moment you don't realize it.

In this article, the South Wales based Fitness Expert will present to you 'A Fitness Menu', this will highlight the best options to get results within your health club or gym at a time that suits you.

Why is it that when people join a gym a 30 minute Induction, at best is used to help people get the results they joined for. Do we not get a choice on certain training options; Employing a Personal Trainer, Attending Group Exercise, an exercise programme to follow, a training partner or at least some guidance? Unfortunately it is normally little more than being shown how to walk on a treadmill, use the X Trainer and bike....not to forget the rower, if your lucky! Gym members are solely left to their own devices of boring, monotonous calorie counting exercise. Us Fitness professionals and personal trainers know this will not get you results in a million years of trying!!

When you go for meal, would you know what to order without seeing a menu...I didn't think so! If you're like me you may want to know the healthy options. Is spaghetti bolognaise available with a side order of mixed vegetables. You may fancy a steak, but what cut of meat and with what? Without a menu, it is almost an impossible task of picking the perfect option for you.

So why is it that when we go to a gym or health club everyone has the same meal - a 30 minute Induction? Surely we are all unique in terms of our personalities; our goals and how fast we would like to reach our goals differ; not to mention the type of exercise we enjoy.

I'm therefore going to present a Fitness Menu that will answer all your questions and that will allow you, to pick an exercise routine that is perfect for you.

Option one - Results Stupidly Fast

"A combination of 1:1 Personal Training and Group Personal Training e.g. Boot Camps".

Having a 1:1 Personal Training session means that the session is 100% specific to you. Research has shown you are 117% more likely to reach your goals with just one Personal Training session per week. A Personal Trainer will design a session based around current fitness levels, your health/fitness goals and your current posture.

Group Personal Training such as Boot Camps is fantastic for motivation. As with 1:1 Personal Training you are being monitored by a Personal Trainer, yet you are in a group setting that is amazing for maintaining high motivation levels. Kettlebell Boot Camps are becoming popular and are springing up in cities such as Cardiff and Newport, South Wales.

Option Two A) - Results Really Fast

"1:1 Personal Training"

Having a 1:1 Personal Training session on a weekly basis will undoubtedly help you reach your goals in a short period. Personal Trainers are highly qualified Fitness professionals. If your car breaks down or is damaged you contact a mechanic who is an expert in that department, do the same with your body; if it's broke or damaged let an expert fix it.

Option Two B) - Results Really Fast

"Boot Camps"

Signing up for a Boot Camp, is regarded as one of the fastest ways to increase fitness levels. This is for people who enjoy group exercise and can handle not having the close attention of a 1:1 Personal Training session.

You still get a Personal Trainer training you and the group exercise is fantastic for motivation as there could be 20 of you all busting a gut and training hard.

Option 3 - Results Fast

"Regular Group Exercise"

Regular group exercise of a varied sort will help you get results pretty quick. You don't have the expert Personal Trainer or Boot Camp Guru at hand but group exercise instructors still have good knowledge and can certainly assist you with your exercise goals. However to get results do not do the same class day after day, but mix up your classes to challenge your body. Include Cardiovascular classes such as Spin, Weights based classes such as Body Pump, as well as flexibility and posture based classes such as Thai Chi, Yoga or Pilates. This will challenge your body on a multidimensional level.

Option 4 - Results

"Training Partner"

Research has shown that by having a training partner you are 33% more likely to visit the gym and 28% more likely to reach your goals. So having a training partner is a great way to keep you on track. At your gym, speak to fellow gym members and ask somebody if they would be interested in training with you. With the benefits of a training partner, it definitely worth a try.

Option 5 - Possible Results

"Training Alone"

Training alone is hard, getting results come down to the individual. If you are currently training this way, you are probably on the very, very slow road to success. Calorie counting and the same monotonous gym routine day after day and week after week. Happy with the way you are looking then great, stay here and be happy to maintain, but up the menu are fast track, fun options to a Newer, Leaner, Fitter You. Happy with this meal...hmmm, as a regular to this restaurant and an expert I really do recommend you try another meal.

Life is all about choices. What meal you choose in a restaurant, where you shop, what clothes you's all about personal preference and choice. The gym is no different.

At the gym you can order a Personal Training session on a weekly basis and also sign up to a Boot Camp; this is the equivalent of a steak at Harrods, which leaves you full and satisfied on every possible level. Alternatively you can find a training partner someone similar to yourself, someone with similar exercise goals and just like a McDonalds Happy Meal, find that it does the job.

Or you can slave away training alone and go hungry only to find that this can't go on any longer, before enough is enough and your sick to death of not seeing results.

Following this article, If you are training alone I hope I've saved you. Speak to a Personal Trainer, find a Boot Camp and get signed up for fast results or as a minimum expectancy find a training partner or attend group exercise...don't be contempt and happy to maintain what you currently have. Lets aim for the stars...if we land in the sky then great. Let's not aim for the sky, as we may end up in the clouds, let's not leave it to chance...take action today.

Healthy Thanks

Sam O'Sullivan (South Wales, UK based Level 3 Advanced Personal Trainer)

Sam O'Sullivan is a Personal Trainer and Boot Camp Guru based in Cardiff, South Wales, UK. He is the creator of the highly successful SOS Executive Personal Training Company and Cardiff Kettlebell Boot Camp. His knowledge, enthusiasm as a Level 3 Advanced Personal Trainer with his innovative approach to training has changed many of his clients lives.

For more information on 1:1 Personal training Cardiff and Boot Camp Classes Cardiff follow the links below:

[] For personal trainer cardiff known for getting his clients in shape in record time.

If you're looking for a [] Personal Trainer Cardiff then be sure to check out this site

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