Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Path Towards Divinity

Our spirits soar when we think of happiness. But like a lightening in the sky, the Goddess of happiness visits us rarely. The greatest obstacle between us and our happiness is not money, circumstances, people around us. The real hindrance is our negative thoughts which haunt us day and night and bring misery to us.

It is not very difficult to eliminate these thoughts that pester us. Develop awareness of the devastating effects of the thoughts and initiate the process of self betterment by investing few minutes of your spare time in the path of Self Improvement. As you pursue the path, you will be able to function at your best and enjoy a different kind of happiness that springs from the self within. It tastes sweeter than honey and the pleasures you get last longer.

The man whose energies (i.e. thoughts) are dissipated lacks peace and cannot achieve significant progress in life. On the other hand, the man who can maintain a state of inner tranquility in all his actions and has acquired mental tenacity (by practice), to fix his attention on any specific problem and can hold the mind to that problem till it is resolved, is superior. Such a person can achieve anything on which he sets his mind. This is one of the important quality of winners and leaders in any field. We can develop this quality by practicing meditation.

Many of us have wrong notions on meditation and presume that it is meant for sages & saints who renounce worldly activities and retire to remote places. In meditation a person temporarily distances himself from distractions, but it is with the specific objective of developing strong intellect and to train the mind. It is also a power tool in coping with stress in everyday life.

The periods of meditation are to be treated as pace-setters for the rest of the day. It is possible to acquire by consistent practice a state of inner poise and tranquility wherein we can open our consciousness to the innermost depth of the soul, which connect the individual self directly with the Divine Principle, governing the world. To learn this art, participation in rituals and external assistance are of little value. Apart from consistent practice, developing the attitude that all our material possessions (car, house, wealth etc.) have been lent to us for a while by God, would give fillip to us in the Path.

Meditation is the highest spiritual practice to revolutionize from within. Invest few minutes of your spare time in meditation and persevere regularly. As you pursue, your inner self will become sharper and stronger.

Practice and Learn the Art of Meditation Here: path2meditation.blogspot.com path2meditation.blogspot.com/


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