Sunday, May 25, 2014

Simple Yoga Postures to Help You Lose Tummy Flab

Many of my women friends, especially those with babies, say that losing fat in the tummy area is the toughest. I am sure; each one of us has struggled to lose tummy flab. It seems that when one gains weight, even a small amount, it all seems to go to the waist area. And, when one loses weight, this seems to be the most problematic area from where the flab just refuses to go.

My advice to all women wanting to lose tummy flab is to try Yoga. I know you expected aerobics, strength training, or Power Yoga as a possible solution. However, I am talking about Yoga, the way it has been practiced since its origin thousands of years ago in India. Yoga is a complete exercise system, which builds strength, immunity, takes care of mental stress, and gives a great shape to your body.

Specifically for tummy flab, yoga is extremely beneficial. Yoga is gentle on all organs and joints of the body and can be safely done even by women who have undergone C-sections. A simple regimen could begin with loosening exercises of the joints. It is very beneficial to do Surya Namaskar, which exercises almost all the muscles in the body and builds strength especially in the core trunk area, tummy, and the spinal region. As you progress, you can increase the number of Surya Namaskars done everyday.

You could follow this with asanas or postures like Trikonasan or triangular posture; Pavanmuktasana or the posture which helps you relieve gas; Bhujangasana or posture like a cobra; and many more asanas which help tone the tummy area.

You could then proceed to the Pranayam, which are asanas that regulate one's breathing. Anuloma Viloma (alternate nostril breathing) and Kapalabhati (breath cleaning), if done regularly help regulate your respiratory system, and those suffering from allergies would feel a remarkable change. Kapalabhati is extremely effective in helping one lose stomach fat and fat around the abdominal organs. You can actually feel your tummy tighten! There are other Pranayams, which can be done depending upon your requirements.

Always round up your Yoga routine by meditation and chanting which help cool the body down and provide deep relaxation. Finish with Shavasana, which relaxes each part of your body. You emerge refreshed, relaxed, and energized to face the world.

Yoga is best done on an empty stomach and early in the morning. But, it can be done later in the day as well. Like any other exercise routine, stick with the schedule for at least a couple of months to see tangible results. I can vouch for its effectiveness, personally.

I do suggest that you join a Yoga class initially to understand the correct techniques of doing the various asanas or postures. Later, you can do them at home. Trust me, Yoga can take you along the path of good health mentally and physically, and you will see that jelly belly disappearing too!

Rachna Parmar is a Content Developer, Blogger, Article writer, and owner of her Consultancy Smart Solutions. A passionate reader; she loves working out, cooking, blogging, traveling, raising her two sons, and writing. She loves making friends and sharing notes. She provides writing solutions for all requirements. She can write in a variety of styles and on myriad subjects.

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