Sunday, May 25, 2014

Yoga Instructor Salary

Becoming a Yoga teacher or instructor is a very specialized career and you will be responsible for guiding your students through invigorating poses and postures while utilizing breath control. Yet, many people who begin to have thoughts of becoming a yoga instructor are not entirely clear as to how much a good Yoga instructor can potentially earn.

It is possible to earn a very good income, wow much you earn will depend on where you live, and other factors such as using your your persuasive sales ability to bring the art of yoga into the lives of others, whether you work as an employee or your own business concern.

The overriding factor is do you have big passion for yoga? If so, certainly you want to help others access the gorgeous art of Yoga and if you do become dedicated to supporting others on their yoga path by guiding practitioners through yoga practice, discuss the benefits of beginning a yoga practice and Ensuring that Yoga environment is warm and inviting and everything ready for your students to go will go along way towards respect for you from your students.

As well as group sessions, you can supplement your income by meeting with a clients for a private, one-on-one yoga session, you will need excellent organizational skills as well as demonstrated verbal (and perhaps non-verbal) communication skills. It is has to be said that overall, it would not uncommon to work at nights and weekends.

As Yoga instructor would be expected to be certified, especially if working for an employer, and if so at present the job prospects for Yoga Instructors is expected to be good.

Now, emphasizing of what is expected of you if you wanted to take up Yoga Instructing as full time business, as there will be no 401k plans, no health benefits or medical or dental care this you must provide yourself.

As employee, you can expect these benefits packages such as medical, dental, and vision insurance, 401K plans, disability insurance and an employee stock option and according to an article in the Los Angeles Times: "Yoga instructors who teach at community college extension programs earn approximately $35 per hour. Instructors who teach in private studios may earn a minimum of approximately $30-$40 per class, with additional compensation for number of students in each class. For example, one studio instructor told me that for each student beyond a minimum of ten, an instructor earns an additional $1-$2 per student. Instructors who teach in corporate settings can earn $75 per hour or more."

For more information, try visiting yoga teacher certification, a popular website that offers tips, advice, resources and reviews that include information about fulfilling your intentions.

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