Saturday, April 27, 2013

Developing a Healthy Lifestyle Despite a Busy Schedule

In today's hectic world, more people are dealing with an unhealthy combination of a being stuck behind a desk and large amounts of stress. How can you fit healthy eating and exercise into a hectic and fast paced lifestyle? Here are some basic tips to get you on track to a healthier lifestyle.

Make a Schedule

Our lives are all packed to the brim with activities, but fitting enough exercise into our week is not impossible. If we have an hour designated for lunch every day during our work day, this can be the perfect place to make a change. Substituting a workout for an hour spent eating out at a restaurant where you spend extra money and possibly make unhealthy eating choices works in two ways to promote a healthier lifestyle. Think ahead by bringing workout clothes and something to eat such as a power bar or protein shake. By replacing 3 of the 5 lunch hours in a week with 40 minutes in the gym you can fit in a regular regimen of full body weight training sessions that will have numerous benefits.

Set Clear Goals

Do you want to lose weight, become more flexible or gain muscle? Do some research and find out what workouts will help you reach these goals. If you are looking to gain muscle, perhaps a full body circuit training workout plan will be most beneficial. If you simply want to lose some weight perhaps aerobic or yoga training is a better fit. Track your progress so you can see the difference the workouts are making. This will keep you from falling into a rut where your workout will not be beneficial.

Plan Your Workouts

Don't go to the gym without an attack plan. It's very common to see someone wandering about the gym, half-heartedly using whatever piece of equipment is open. These generally are not people who are making real progress. Move about the gym with a sense of purpose. Do some research to know what exercises will help you reach your fitness goals. If you are going to take time out of your schedule to exercise you need to make sure it's worth it. If you like music when you work out, plan a play list ahead of time, to keep your energy up. All these little things add up to making the time spent in the gym more productive and enjoyable.

Don't Forget To Eat

If you are skipping lunch or getting up early to work out, don't forget that your body needs food both before and after a weight training session. In fact, if you don't eat you can actually cancel out the time you spent working out. Working out on an empty stomach is not going to burn your stored fat, it's going to tear up your existing muscles as a source of protein. This leaves you weaker than before you worked out. Have quick healthy snacks available just after your workout to start the rebuilding process right away. Also don't forget to occasionally reward yourself with a weekly splurge meal; this will help you stave off the cravings for the rest of the week.

Our lives are too busy to spend hours a day working out, but that doesn't mean we are doomed to a sedentary life style filled with unhealthy and dangerous eating habits. Take time to make a plan that works, and stick to it to see sure rewards.

Herb likes to stay healthy and keep fit. Please check out his website with information on Natuzzi leather sofas and great tips on selecting the Natuzzi recliner that is right for you.

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