Friday, April 26, 2013

How to Lose Weight and Stay Trim Forever - Starting Slowly

You think to yourself "Ok, it's a new year and I'm going to start working out!" The first thing most of us do is go out and get a gym membership or sign up for an aerobics or step class. Let's stop and think about why we have not been exercising up to now.

There are more reasons in our daily lives than we care to mention but up until the point that you make a resolution to start exercising, you must admit that you do have a busy life and an established routine. The worst thing you can do is make a drastic change in your lifestyle because this will upset several of the other important things you do. The best thing is to start slowly to integrate this into your daily routine.

Now, I love the social benefits and fancy equipment available in the gyms and classes, but really, can I afford to make a two hour addition to my daily schedule? Realistically, we must take into account that preparing to go to the gym or workout class requires some time for making ourselves presentable and traveling. Some of us are lucky and live near these types of places but many of us must travel some distance, burning time. So, if you pay for a membership you will feel compelled to go and spend one to one and a half hours using those services. Taking this and travel/preparation time into account, two hours at a minimum are required. So please don't jump into this without realizing the sudden impact to your lifestyle.

It's not as much fun but beginning an exercise program in your own home is easy. Just make one trip to a sporting goods store and get some dumbbells (start light) and a resistance band. Often, this costs less than a one day pass at the gym and it is only a one-time disruption in your schedule unless you combine the trip with something else you usually go out to do.

But you ask "Won't this be boring?". Sure but there are things you can do to spice it up like asking a friend and neighbor to join you or setting up in front of your television with your favorite channel or DVD. Be sure to find a time slot that works easily for you. For me, it was early morning before my regular day started. But my friends and neighbors were reluctant for early morning, so I used the television. I decided to wake up 30 minutes earlier every morning so that I would not have to impact my existing daily tasks.

Use a few minutes to stretch and warm up, then on alternate days, use light weights to work your arms, chest, and back. The next day, just do some calisthenics, running, fast walking, or other aerobics exercise. I have some work out videos I use and I do Yoga for the stretching. Follow the next day with leg, buttocks, and ab weight training. Then do an aerobics day. On the next weight training day, start over with the arm, chest, and back exercises. That is your routine and be sure to vary the types of movements you use in your weight training routine so your muscles do not get used to one specific movement. See these tips. Remember, start out very light on the weights and only increase the weight in small amounts as they become too easy to do. Try to spend 20 minutes exercising each week day. Be sure to rest on the weekends and engage yourself in activities you enjoy. Mental health is important so you need the weekends to distract yourself from the weekly activities.

Gradual change to your daily routine is the key to developing a sustainable lifestyle which will help you to become and remain fit, trim, and healthy. The above routine will increase your metabolism and burn fat because your body will be working to repair and build muscle on your days between weight training. Make slow changes to your diet, don't overeat, take vitamin supplements, and try some of the natural products available to help your body detoxify and burn fat. See my links to research the diets, vitamins, and fat burning supplements I recommend.

Above all, drink plenty of water and keep a positive attitude. If you make small changes, you will have an easier time adjusting your lifestyle. Your friends and people you meet will notice a better you as each week of your journey passes!

Reference: - Weight Training 101, Getting Started, By Paige Waehner, Guide. Updated June 19, 2009.

Georgia Smith

I am a certified fitness coach with several years of client oriented experience. My success comes from teaching my clients to integrate gradual lifestyle changes without significantly disrupting their current daily routines. I also have a line of Health, Fitness, and Beauty products on my website (see profile) that I recommend to my clients as needed.

For more information about me and methods for improving your health and fitness, visit my blog (see profile)

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