Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why Puppy Training Videos Are Effective

Are you one of them who have bought the puppy training video? Well many people have believed that the program is meant for puppies and hence tried their best to get their puppies to sit and watch the video. They have resorted to every possible trick in the book to make this happen, believing that their puppies can train themselves easily by watching the video. Little do they know that what they are attempting is next to impossible thing.

Well it doesn't take too long for the true to dawn on the people that the videos are meant for them to watch and train their puppies and not that their puppies will watch and learn it by themselves. These are the same like the exercising or other videos that teach you meditation, yoga etc.

Just by watching videos you cannot grow muscles. To grow muscles and a six pack body, you have got to work out daily with the strict discipline and diet as taught in the video and only with the hard work will you grow your muscles and fit body.

Similarly you use the puppy training video to train your dog. First watch the video and understand the techniques given. Use them to train your dog every day with strict discipline and regularity. In no time your puppy will learn and imbibe the training.

Can't understand how puppy training video can work so effectively to train your puppy? Let's tell you how and why:

The training is built in stages with basic steps in the first lesson. Like the babies who first learn to sit up, crawl, stand and then walk, here puppies too take similar basic steps and familiarize themselves first with the training task. You will be taught to train the puppy in basics first and then adopt advanced training in the next stage.

The video first begins with basics of getting the puppy to recognize and accept commands. The puppy has got to first learn to obey and accept basic commands to sit stand and walk, stop etc. Once he has mastered these and is obedient, you can go to the next task of training him on safety, attack, toilet training etc.

You have little time during the day time to take your puppy to a training school, in which case puppy training video comes in handy for you can watch and train your dog at your convenience.

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