Thursday, December 19, 2013

Yoga Balls - Stability and Strength Building

Yoga Balls, also known as stability balls, are used mainly for stability training and to build up your core muscles. They are versatile in their use, and are not only used for yoga routines, but can also be found in gyms, fitness classes and rehab centers. Yoga balls are fun to use yoga props that are also used in Pilates, and incorporating them into your regular routines will leave you with firmer abs, buttocks and back.

The main benefit of working with a yoga ball as opposed to exercising on a hard surface (floor) is that your body works a bit harder to remain stable on the ball. While trying to maintain its stability, the body ends up using other muscles that would otherwise stay under-utilized. As a result these muscles get stronger and over a period of time as you learn to maintain balance while exercising on the yoga ball you develop a stronger core and more solid muscles.

What Should You Look For When Buying A Yoga Ball?

It is imperative that while choosing a ball you look for stability and size. The size of the ball should fit both your body size as well as the kind of yoga routines that you normally practice.

For those who are tall (6 ft and more) a bigger ball that is 75cm is generally recommended, while 55cm is excellent for those below 5ft, 4" in height.

Yoga balls are made of materials that are slip resistant; the surface of the ball is also textured so that you can maintain your grip over it. They are strong enough to hold upto 600lbs. If you are overweight and are looking for one that can hold more, you can choose burst-resistant balls that can withstand more than 600 pounds. These are usually made of vinyl that is extra durable and thick and are excellent for the toughest of Pilates and fusion exercise routines. Most yoga balls deflate slowly should they puncture. This ensures your safety, should you be practicing a routine asana on it.

Thera-Band Balls

Thera-Band exercise balls are also excellent for exercises but are generally used in rehabilitation centres. These are considered to be excellent props that increase stability and balance within your muscles, and at the same time strengthening them. They work well to give you a good posture as well as ease any kind of persistent back pain. You can choose a yoga ball from a variety of sizes and gamut of colors.

How To Use An Exercise Ball?

Most novice yogis are usually wary of using a ball. Infact during the first initial moments it is common to find it difficult to place all your body weight and trust on it. However with time, you do gain confidence and learn how to use the ball to your advantage. What most people would be thrilled to know is that once you lie on your yoga ball, your abs and legs contract, and this prevents you from falling. The intensity only increases as you perform any exercise routine over the ball.

Some Uses/Benefits

Weight Training: Use the ball as a "weight bench" and watch how difficult movements create stronger abs, legs and butt muscles.

Sitting/Posture: Generally sitting on an exercise ball will help improve your posture. You can sit on it and watch television or even work on your computer. Make it exciting by adding in a few beginners exercise.

Core Strengthening: Oblique twists and crunches on you yoga ball, makes use of every muscle in your abdomen, intensifying the workout.

Flexibility, Pilates and Yoga: The Yoga ball is excellent for building up flexibility and use with different Yoga and Pilates routines. You can also use it to just relax, and since it's a ball, is also great for kids to play with.

Bunky Malone is an editor, writer, and active practitioner of yoga. Yoga Accessories Blog Yoga Balls

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