Thursday, February 20, 2014

Different Types of Yoga and What They All Mean

Yoga has been around for thousands of years and has been a widely used practice in the Eastern Countries. In the past 20 years, yoga has made it's way to the Western hemisphere and is now practiced by many enthusiasts, especially in this country. This article will discuss the different types of yoga. How to become an instructor through yoga teacher training and also the wide variety of yoga retreats that people are going on and enjoying.

If you go to any gym in the United States most of them offer not only yoga but usually a variety of different types of yoga classes. Whether it is for your fitness and weight loss or to try to find an inner spirituality, yoga has many different elements which is why it is such a popular practice and one that can be done for people aging 3-93.

The first type of yoga is Bikram yoga also known as hot yoga. This particular type of class is offered in a room that is usually heated between 95-102 degrees. This is either loved or hated by those who have tried it. The hot room is supposed to allow your body and muscles to heat up more quickly which then results in greater flexibility through the different poses. Bikram yoga also results in a lot of sweating by participants which is said to rid the body of all of the toxins in it.

The second type of yoga is Ashtanga yoga which is based on using eight limbs in all of your poses. It is a set order of poses that you must go through and completing 75 of the poses would take a participant an hour to an hour and a half to complete.

An off shoot type of yoga has resulted from Ashtanga in the 1990's and that is known as Power Yoga. Power Yoga was introduced with the basis of Ashtanga poses but offered in a more power and vigorous workout that appealed to those people that were used to fitness based classes at their gym. There is no requirement of poses in Power Yoga so the classes for this vary widely and are different depending on what instructor you have. Most people who like Power yoga are interested in getting into shape and losing weight versus, relaxation and flexibility.

The last type of yoga we will touch on is Vinyasa which in Sanscrit means breath synchronized movement. This is more about increasing your flexibility as well as learning to relax and quiet your body and its muscles to a great relaxation state. It really promotes deep breathing and the different breathing techniques in a variety of poses more than the poses itself.

Many yoga enthusiasts go on yoga retreats in beautiful locations around the world to learn more about the practice that they love while visiting a beautiful place. Others go on yoga retreats to become certified yoga instructors to return home to teach what they have learned themselves.

Connor R. Sullivan recently completed Yoga teacher training at one of the Yoga retreats in the Hollywood Hills.

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