Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pregnancy Exercise DVD Maintains Mom's and Baby's Health

Use your pregnancy exercise DVD to maintain your own good health and to promote your baby's healthy development.

Daily practice with your pregnancy exercise DVD strengthens your cardio-vascular system, preparing it to endure the overwhelming stress of labor and delivery. Maintaining your muscles' tone and building their strength, your pregnancy DVD also builds your immune system; and many of your immunities pass to your baby. Work with your pregnancy workout also cleanses, detoxifies, and replenishes your muscles, reducing your fatigue and irritability. Most of all, your prenatal fitness DVD promotes development of self-control, teaching you to breath in rhythm with your movement.

Pregnancy Yoga DVD Develops Two Strong, Healthy Hearts

Yoga slows, steadies, and strengthens your heart. Strengthening your own heart, you develop your baby's healthy heart, too. When you practice with your pregnancy yoga workout DVD, controlling your breathing and especially concentrating on long, full breaths cleansed by thorough, deep exhales, you increase blood's flow to your baby. As you get more oxygen from your deep breaths and release more respiratory by-products in powerful "sighs," your baby enjoys the benefits of more oxygen. Her cardio-vascular system grows stronger right along with yours.

As you practice yoga, you especially learn to coordinate your breathing with your muscles' movement. Preparing to move into an asana, you take and release a deep, cleansing breath; you will do the same thing when you feel a contraction beginning. Your baby also will feel the force of your contractions, and her heart rate may increase as you help with her debut. Moving into your pose, you draw-in a deep breath as your muscles flex, and you control your exhalation to maintain balance and posture. Sustaining the pose and meditating, you breathe in and out regularly and rhythmically, paying extra attention to how you exhale so that you do not hyper-ventilate. When your contractions peak, you will control your breath in exactly the same way.

Practice with Your Pregnancy Yoga Exercise DVD Increases Benefits of Other Exercise

Yoga is good alone. But it gets really good when you combine it with other exercise. Use your daily yoga practice to supplement, complement, and reinforce other elements in your prenatal "fitness and beauty regime." During your first trimester, begin walking at least twenty minutes twice per day. As your pregnancy progresses, extend each walk to thirty minutes. Exercise physiologists claim you get more benefit from two half-hour walks than from one long walk, because you give muscles time to refresh and rebuild. In between walks, stretch, relax, and restore tired thighs, calves, and buttocks, working with your pregnancy exercise DVD. Leg muscles take a beating as your baby grows; condition them not only with strength and endurance training but also with stretching and relaxing from yoga

For expert Pregnancy Exercise DVD Reviews please visit

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