Saturday, April 26, 2014

Ilchi Lee - Mentor & Master Teacher

While searching the net for information on a means of balancing my crumbling life, I came across articles and postings bearing the name Ilchi Lee. Lets first start by saying I've been a martial artist for the majority of my life. After a few trying events that left me in a broken state, I lost my way and slipped in to deep depression. I've always been a very strong willed and Self-Motivate individual, so needless to say depression was something new to me. I've never found myself so vulnerable; I'm not ashamed to say that I did not shower for weeks. I was despondent I needed to find some answers.

The great part about finding the answer was a truly life changing experience, I was always an aggressor, it had to be my way or the high way. I can now safely say that I accept people and events as the come. Learning to let go was the most important lesson I could ever learn. Thanks to principles of The Healing Society Dahn Yoga, the meditation techniques that was instrumental in my new life outlook, I've gain understanding and have redistributed my body's energy thus restoring balance in my life. Dahn Yoga, is the study of life energy (Ki, Chi), based on the integrated mind/body training program of ancient Korea and recreated for contemporary times. It teaches to use Ki -energy to regain true mastership of our life.

Dr Ilchi Lee is a world-renowned peace activist and spiritual leader. He is the creator of Dahn Yoga and Brain Respiration, a comprehensive system of physical and mental exercises that seeks to use the energy, or "Ki" system of the body to attain a spiritual awakening.

More Facts:

Brain Respiration created by Dr Lee, is a scientific system of developing the full potential of the human brain through integrated mental and physical exercises. It combines ancient Eastern philosophy with modern scientific methods to elevate human awareness.

Adorne Richardson

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