Thursday, July 3, 2014

Can I Use Weights For Cardio?

There is a popular philosophy amongst the fitness community that we do not necessarily need cardiovascular activity for heart healthy benefits and weight loss. Personally speaking I know weight training can be the ultimate workout but I also see the benefits of cardio. Ultimately I think different things will work for different people and I want point out a few points on this topic.

Fitness is a lifestyle and as we change, so do our interests and exercises. No matter how we are moving our bodies whether it's through dance, cycling or yoga we are living actively. It's important to find workouts to enjoy and look forward to. If it happens to be running, weight training or both it's important to pursue your interests.

Weight lifting is very technique dependent while cardio is a little more foolproof. Resistance training strengthens bones and prevents injuries like no other but it can be hard on joints and increase the risk of carpel tunnel syndrome. Many cardio activities like swimming, the elliptical trainer and walking are not as demanding on the joints and supporting ligaments.

Cardio offers a more sustained period of exercise. I have always believed you should be doing one thing, or the other. Not cardio and weights at the same time. If someone lifts heavy enough to have to rest in between sets, the heart rate is not elevated for 20 minutes at a time, which is minimum for heart health and weight loss. On the other hand, if you are lifting 15-20 reps and hardly resting at all in between sets, you are moving your body like any other cardio and wasting lifting sessions by not lifting heavily enough to stimulate change in the muscle.

In the case of weight loss and toning I think the answer is body type dependant. If you have a lot to lose, start with cardio and weights. If you are already thin and want to tone out, stick with just weights.

It's always best to do what you like and even more importantly, what actually works to change your body. If you love to lift it is definitely possible to skip the treadmill with properly designed programs. If you don't want to give up your morning jog, you don't have to!

Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

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