Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Three Simple and Easy Yoga Postures to Tone Your Abs

Belly fat is different from the fat in other parts of human body. Even when you are at stress, your cortisol hormone levels rise and it causes more fat to be stored in the belly. It is widely known that the more fat you have in your belly, the more likely you are at risk of having heart disease and diabetes. For that reason, getting rid of the unwanted belly fat is important. If your waist size if more than 40 inches (men) or 35 inches (women), you are at higher risk of heart attacks.

Eat well and exercise regularly is the key to reduce your waist size and get rid of that stubborn belly fat. Yoga is a great exercise to burn calories and strengthen your abdominal muscles. While you cannot burn fat at certain parts of your body, doing yoga burns a lot of calories. That will somehow burn some amount of the fat in the belly. Yoga training can increase the strength of your abdominal muscles so that you can get more toned abs. Here are some postures you can practice at home.


How to do it: Lie fat on your back. You can lie on a yoga mat or towel. Pull one knee towards your chest until your thigh touches your stomach. Hold your knee with all fingers, lift your head towards your knee. Hold your breath for a few seconds then exhale and get back to initial position. Do this exercise for half a minute for each leg.

Benefit of doing Pavan-Muktasan:

- Reduce abdominal bloating

- Improve the flexibility of your knees and hips.


How to do it: Lie on your stomach. Keep your forehead on the floor and relax. Lift your upper body but keep your hands at original positions. You will only use the strength of your back to do this. Keep this position for 30 seconds.

Benefit of doing Bhujangasan:

- Keep your spine strong and flexible

- Relieve back pain


How to do it: Lie down on your stomach, bend your knees towards your back and hold your ankles with both arms. Keep both your knees close to each other, your posture must form a curve with your stomach on the floor. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Benefit of doing Dhanurasan:

- Improve your vitality

- Increase the flexibility of your spine


How to do it:

Lie on your back. Sit up with both arms straight above your head. Keep your back straight then bend forward until your face touches your knees and your hands touches your feet.

Benefit of doing Paschimottanasana:

- Control appetite

- Strengthen abdominal muscles

Other than those yoga postures above, there are a lot more postures that are great for burning calories and reducing your waist size. Do this exercises to increase your flexibility and reduce belly fat by burning more calories. You will surprise to see how much you sweat when doing these exercises.

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