Saturday, March 16, 2013

How to Reduce Stomach Exercise Mistakes and Get Flat Abs Faster

In your pursuit of getting flat abs, there may be various things standing in your way of getting that washboard flat appearance. One of these may be a lack of motivation or a lack of knowledge. And then there are mistakes that are hindering your progress without you even being aware of making these mistakes. The end result of these mistakes may ultimately be not reaching your goals, wasting your time and even the risk of serious injuries. Identifying these mistakes early on in your workout routine is thus very important if you want to see results and avoid hurting yourself.

The top 5 stomach exercise mistakes are:


When training your abs, you should never train the same muscles for consecutive days in a row. This means not training your abs directly every day of the week. The best is to alternate a day of abs crunches or weight training with a day where you do only cardio exercises for fat burn. Overtraining can result in injuries that will stand in your way of achieving that flat stomach. Another important thing to keep in mind is to stick to stomach exercises that are on your level. If you are just starting with an exercise routine, stick with beginner exercises at first.

Poor Form

Using the wrong or poor form while exercising can result in injuries and can hinder your progress. When performing abdominal exercises it is important that you never do any of these exercises with straight legs, don't ever jerk your head or arms up in a movement and always to do the exercises in a slow controlled manner, concentrating on the muscles that you are training.

Targeting abs the wrong way

Lots of people target the abdominal muscles as if it is one muscle. The abs is actually made up of four different muscles. You get the rectus abdominis (the six pack); the internal and external obliques (on your sides) and your transverse abdominis (support your obliques). So when you are choosing exercises to do, choose one for every muscle group instead of only doing crunches.

Only focusing on abs crunches

Although abs crunches will make your abdominal muscles stronger, you will never see the effect of your hard work if your abs are hidden by fat. It is thus very important to include cardio to burn of calories and to do some weight training. With weight training you keep on burning calories for up to eight hours after you've stopped training. You will also waste your efforts if you consume more calories than you burn. So it is also very important to watch your diet.

Doing the wrong combination of exercises

Getting the combination of exercises right is very important if you want to get flat abs. Doing only cardio won't help, as you'll start to lose muscle. And doing only weight training can result in injuries. The best is to combine weight training with cardio and throw in a yoga class every now and then. Yoga is a great way to reduce stress. As stress can cause excess stomach fat is worthwhile to include exercises that strengthens your nervous system, like yoga.

So if you avoid these typical mistakes and use the advice given, you will have fewer injuries and you will progress faster. You might also want to join a gym to maximize your results. If you live in Canada or India, check out Fitness One. If you are thinking of going on a diet, be sure to first read my article on Fast Weight Loss Diets, to ensure that you know about the dangers and precautions you need to take when going on a diet.

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