Saturday, March 16, 2013

Power Yoga - What is It?

Power Yoga is a modern day cross between vigorous exercise and the traditional Ashtanga or Vinyasa. According to Wikipedia, Ashtanga Vinyasa series includes various exercises used by Indian wrestlers and British gymnasts. Krishnamacharya, considered by many to have major influence on the modern day Yoga instructors, setup a tradition of adapting to the needs and requirements of the pupil. Following the tradition Power Yoga was established in the 1990's by two American teachers; Beryl Bender Birch and Bryan Kest; although not in the same place. Both had been students of Master Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. Upon returning to USA, they felt the need to create a new form of yoga that would incorporate both conventional and contemporary aspects. This name for yoga was chosen to remove the misleading notion that yoga only consists of meditation. It is actually a complete health and fitness program, which produces a well toned body and mind.

Power Yoga is interchangeably used in place of Ashtanga. In the current environment the importance is more on the physical aspect than the spiritual. It received its fame because Americans started to consider yoga as a way to work out and not just to meditate. Today a number of gyms offer power yoga classes for their members. The steadily changing poses in this fitness program require a lot of strength and flexibility, but the fast rhythm causes a lot of sweating and calorie burning as well.

There is no specific series of exercises that are followed in Power yoga. It entirely depends on the instructor and what he or she prefers. At times people keep switching their teachers for power yoga until they find one who's training suits them best. A number of trainers use a combination of cardio vascular exercises along with breathing techniques to achieve the highest levels of flexibility and stamina, muscle strengthening and removal of toxins. It also balances the opposite muscle groups in the body, so a large number of athletes incorporate it into their workout regimen.

When people start power yoga with preconceived notions of only getting a sweaty workout from it, they are surprised as they start feeling other changes within themselves. Like all other kinds of yoga, this also has the ability to purify the mind and soul when practiced on a regular basis. Very strong internal changes start appearing and people learn to relax and unwind with it too. Power Yoga is usually liked by people who are in shape and want their workout sessions to go to the next level. The fitness and spiritual aspects of this yoga are providing a magnetic pull for many celebrities. The famous singer, Madonna, has been practicing it for many years. Others include Christy Turlington, William Dafoe, Karim Abdul Jabbar and many more.

It has come a long way from its beginning in Ashtanga. It has transformed over the years and is a westernized version of its Indian cousin. The awesome workout provided by Power Yoga is making it greatly popular among the masses. Power Yoga * DOUBLE YOUR FLEXIBILITY* in 28 days... 7 Secrets of Nutrition and Flexibility. Free 7-day email course at link above. Bikram Yoga Book *BIKRAM YOGA LOVER?* Get the definitive home study course on Hot Yoga. Giant 300-page book, 2 DVDs, pose chart, and more.

YOGABODY Naturals LLC is a yoga educational and nutritional supplement company aimed specifically at students of yoga asana. Founded by Lucas Rockwood in 2007, the YOGABODY community now includes over 10,000 students and teachers worldwide.

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