Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Yoga Meditation - Discover the Art and Science of Self Realization Through Self-Awareness!

Yoga meditation is the art and science of remaining in a state of union without the distraction of thoughts. The meditator overcomes the false perception of separation and finds himself in the awareness of union.

It is a form of Raja Yoga. Yoga Meditation technique involves a systematic viewing, acceptance, training and understanding of the respective levels of our being. The goal is to coordinate and integrate those aspects of ourselves, so that we can ultimately experience the all-pervading center of consciousness.

"Yoga meditation" is actually not a separate part of Yoga. But, this phrase is used to distinguish between yoga meditation techniques as a complete system of self-realization and the popular belief of Yoga being just a couple of physical postures and exercises for a better health.

The fact is that, Yoga or Meditation Yoga is a process that is complete unto itself, and only a small (but useful) part of it relates to the physical body.

Meditation techniques of Yoga or simply "Yoga" involves systematically working with our body, senses, the various levels of mind, breath and gradually moving towards the center of consciousness.

It makes use of various practices such as contemplation, meditation, mantra and prayer; and is holistic in nature. Yoga Nidra is one of the easiest and highly effective yoga meditation and relaxation technique.

The final goal of meditation & yoga is to experience the eternal, pure and absolute center of consciousness or God. This can be done by overcoming the sense of separation and being in the awareness of union for long durations.

The word yoga means "to join" or "to be one with". It means to be in a state of awareness of oneness or un-dividedness of the various aspects of yourself with the universal consciousness. The interesting thing is that they were never divided in the first place.

Yoga and meditation practices are not a religion or a belief system. The primary source for learning the practices and science of the meditation technique yoga, meditation & meditation techniques is the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Vijay Kumar Raisinghani is an avid proponent of the use of easy and simple meditation techniques for a healthier stress-free living. Besides being an Active meditator, his interests include Spirituality, Meditation, Buddhism and Zen.

Visit his website for in-depth information on the most effective techniques of meditation and their amazing benefits.

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