Thursday, November 14, 2013

How to Prepare For the Power 90 Workout Program

The Power 90 program is a 3 month, 6 day a week at home fitness boot camp. The program has you working out 6 days a week which includes 3 days of circuit training and 3 days of cardio and abs work with 1 rest day. This system works and will bring noticeable changes in your body in just 90 days as long as you do the work required of you.

To prepare for the program you will need to first purchase the Power 90 DVD program either through the official site (Beach Body) or you can try getting the system on eBay. The system will cost you about $60 and if you purchase the system through the official Beach Body website, then you will receive a resistance band for free.

You will then need to decide whether or not you will want to do the circuit training with either the resistance band or with free weights. It you decide to use the resistance band, and then you will save yourself a ton of money that would have been used on free weights. The downside is that all though the resistance band makes for a great workout and resistance training, I find that some of the maneuvers are quite awkward with the band.

Therefore, I recommend and personally use free weights. For free weights, you are looking at spending about $86-$100 and that will be for 4 different dumbbell sets. For women, I would recommend getting a 5 lb set, 8 lb set, 10 lb set and a 12 lb set. For men you should purchase 8lb set, 10 lb set, 12 lb set and a 15 lb set. This is just a recommendation; you can purchase heavier sets if you choose.

Next, you will need a firm yoga mat to do your abs work on after your cardio workouts. You will also need a minimum floor space of approx 6 feet by 8 feet. You mainly need that 8 foot space for when you have to perform walking lunges. If you are creative, you might be able to get away with less floor space.

Lastly, you will need some comfortable clothes and running shoes to workout in.

You will also need to read the recommended eating plan that comes with the system. Beach Body workout programs work very well when accompanied with balancing a proper food macro eating plan. Power 90 makes it easy for you to follow the eating plan and even provides 5 day meal plan. Now take your before photos and get to work!

Liana also writes on various topics for outdoor sports such as a deep cycle battery charger which can be found on the website marine battery chargers.

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