Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Practice Yoga For Managing Stress - Two Easy Yogic Techniques

Yoga clearly contains the oldest existing stress management techniques. Yoga teachers have absorbed the archives of "tried and true" stress reducing techniques, which date back thousands of years. Let's take a closer look at successful Yogic methods for stress management in today's busy world.

1. Recognize your thoughts, at this moment, for what they are. Most people go through life on auto-pilot. There is much thinking going on, but most of it is background mind chatter, with no definitive purpose, or direction. This is why you meet so many people that regret the past and have no idea what they want to do in the future.

If life is an aimless path, what do you do when you encounter a problem? Sadly, the common response is to worry about the past, future, and present. Yoga teaches us to manage the present moment. Why? You cannot change the past; and unless you take action right now, you will have no influence over the present.

The future also depends on your actions in the present. The time any of us spends worrying is a complete waste. Therefore, design logical solutions for the present. If you have difficulty finding solutions - get help, and advice, from the successful people you know. This will open your mind to solving, instead of worrying.

About thought recognition: Observe your thoughts and learn to sort them by priority and reality. Learn also to identify negative influences, which cause you to become stressed out, filled with anxiety, and cause internal states of panic. This identification process is important, because it will change your life for the best and it leads toward your second stress reduction technique.

2. Be realistic about your limitations. Some people believe they have no control over anything. They believe fate has control of our lives. Everything is carved in stone ahead of time, so there is no use in trying to improve anything. If all of us believed that, we would still be living in trees and caves. Since humans run slowly, tigers and crocodiles would not have to work hard for their meals.

We cannot move the earth, moon, and stars, yet. We cannot control weather, tidal waves, earthquakes, and floods, yet. Notice, I use the word "yet." Humankind has limitations, at the moment, but we really have no idea what our limitations are.

We do have control over many things. We especially have control over who we associate with. Our friends, colleagues, associates, and co-workers can be a positive or a negative influence. We also have control over whether to attend a Yoga class or watch bad news on television. We can censor negative influences.

We must seek out healthy relationships, in order to be healthy. Remember that stress is contagious. If you spend your free time with someone, who is experiencing chronic anxiety and panic, advise that person to seek professional counseling. If you spend too much time with that person, you may also have to seek professional counseling.

Yoga lessons, of all kinds, reduce stress levels. Activities, such as Yoga, are preventative mental and emotional health maintenance. We are only limited by our thinking. Yoga allows you to train your mind and find inner peace.

? Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA.

He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

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