Saturday, November 16, 2013

Practice a Little Mindfulness

I attended another wonderful yoga class this morning. It was a difficult class. Our teacher had us stay in each pose for quite some time. I love the challenge and how my body and mind feel afterwards. Today's lesson was about mindfulness, being present in whatever it is you are doing. Sound easy?..... Not so much.

Today, I tried very hard to intently focus on each pose and be present at all times. Each moment my mind wandered ~ toward my to do list, my garden, a conversation I had earlier in the week ~I stopped the thought and brought my mind back to my pose. To my surprise, I was stronger today than usual. I felt more stability in each pose, with the mind body connection. And as I was leaving class, I thought, what if my mind was intently connected to everything I do in life, not just yoga poses. I would be that much stronger, that much wiser, much more patient and much more fulfilled.

Life is very hectic. It moves fast all around us. We have grown accustom to planning ahead, thinking about the next project, replaying an argument in our heads or running down our to do list. Life is so short and if we keep living in the future, or the past, we will forget to enjoy the present. There is only one present and it is now. We can either intently live or plan to live, it is up to us.

How many times have you heard yourself say "If only I had _____, then I would be happy." Or "I wish I had enjoyed that moment with my loved one, because now they are no longer with me." False hopes and painful regrets will not help us to live in the present, but they can teach us that we are looking in the wrong places for happiness.

Living in the moment, is not as easy as it sounds. The practice of Mediation is all about training the mind to do so, by bringing the mind back to the present. As you sit in a meditative state, you keep bringing your mind back to a place of "present" and rid the mind of random thoughts.

There are many ways to practice mindfulness in our every day lives, without the actual act of meditating. If you remain intently present in your every day tasks and activities, you will be practicing mindfulness. What that means is, when you are driving your car, intently pay attention to the act of driving. Feel the steering wheel, notice your posture, what kind of cars are around you, how is your speed, what are you passing? How many times have you driven and all of a sudden realized that you have been driving for 20 minutes without remembering the journey. Try to bring the mind back when you wander off.

Try intently listening to someone when they are talking to you. Don't think about what you are going to say or what you have to do later that day. Just intently listen. Hear them and be in the present moment with them. You will be amazed at what a good listener they will think you are, and that when it is your turn to talk, your words will flow. And whatever you had to do later, will get done, regardless.

Try being mindful while eating a meal. Embrace those around you, pay attention to the smells, tastes and textures of your food. This practice of mindful eating will help you to enjoy your meals more, and eat far less. When folding your clothes, pay attention to every detail of folding. Do the same when you garden. Feel the earth, the sun, and enjoy the process of planting a new flower. When you walk your dog, look at the trees, the houses, the people, smile and be in the present moment.

Just a little warning, when you first begin to practice mindfulness, you will realize how mindful you have not been. It is challenging to stay focused and in the present, but keep bringing your thoughts back to "now". Be very patient with yourself, you are working and training a muscle. After a while it will be what your brain will know. You will feel less restless and less impatient. The wandering will be far less, and it will be much easier to come back, but it will never fully disappear. Even the wisest of yogi's are still working toward that.

Be well. Know that you have all of the answers within you. Namaste. Catherine

Catherine Magner is a Health & Wellness Coach, supporting others in their quest to live a healthy, happy lifestyle. For more information about Catherine, please visit

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